Tuesday, June 10, 2008

shadow of the wind

in this part of the book, Daniel accuses Bea that she is only marrying the lieutenant in order to get away from Barcelona and her family, "To go somewhere where they can't hurt you". Daniel also shows BEA a different side of Barcelona. a side she has never seen before. Daniel laters tells Bea about his adventures involving the Shadow of the wind and it's author, Carax. this leads to Daniel showing Bea the Cementary of Forgotton books.

DQ: do you think Daniel should have shown Bea the Cementary of Forgotton book?

1 comment:

ashley said...

It is hard to say, since we know so very little of Bea. But since Daniel knnows so little of her as well, his judgment may have been a bit faullty. She may turn to betray Daniel or she can turn out to do the complete opposite and help him instead.