Wednesday, June 11, 2008

shadow of the wind

in this part of the book, Daniel and Fermin goes to Father Fernando's office to talk to him about Julian Carax. they get Father Fernando to give them information about Carax by telling the father that Daniel is the " secret son" of Carax. the father believes them and even tells Daniel that he looks a little bit like Carax when he was younger. the father then begins to give them information about Carax: Father Fernando and Carax had been school mates and friends when they were boys. they were part of a group called the "Starving gang" because they did not come from a rich family like the majority of the school did.

DQ: do you think something bad might happen to Daniel because he lied to a priest?

1 comment:

Manuel said...

I dont think that anything bad that may happen will be because he lied to a priest.