Saturday, January 5, 2008

Cell Phones Cause Traffic Jams, And Other Problems

"That SOB on the cell phone is slowing you down and making you late."

W. David Gardner's January 3, 2008 article explains the effect of people who talk on cellphones while they drive. according to Gardner's studies they effect everyone. Gardner spoke with David Strayer, a psychology teacher at the University of Utah, and Strayer's research proved that the reaction time of young adults who talk on cell phones are compatiable with senior citizens. the French Health Ministry believes that obsessive cell phone usage by children should be avoided stating, "one should use a mobile phone with good judgement". in his article, Gardner states that a man in Massachusetts fatally injured a 13 year old boy with his SUV while he was text messaging while driving.


DQ- Do you think cell phone usage while driving is hazardous?