Tuesday, May 27, 2008

shadow of the wind

in this section of the book Clara describes the joy of reading. also Daniel becomes attracted to Clara, who is twice his age and blind. Clara tells Daniel about a man who also looks for other novels of Julian Carax. but instead of reading them, this man sets them on fire. in this section of the book, Daniel talks about when he once dreamed of becoming a novelist. he later goes into detail about a pen that he heard about when he was younger, and what that pen could accomplish.

DQ: why do you think the pen that Daniel describes represents?

1 comment:

Erika Carrasco said...

I think that the pen serves as an allusion to Daniel's desire of becoming a writer. The history behind the pen, that supposedly it once belonged to Victor Hugo, can be considered as a reference to the greatness that Daniel aspires as a writer.