Sunday, December 30, 2007

Rooting for trees,0,2174323.column?coll=la-opinion-columnists

"Of course Homo sapiens love trees -- we used to live in them."

Patt Morrison's December 20, 2007 Los Angeles Times Opinion article expresses her personal view and the view of tree huggers. every year come Christmas time, thousands of trees are cut down to be placed in homes, and "by January 2 they're destined for trash bins". Morrison mentions in the article that trees are being cut down for petty reasons. for instance, to get betterl satelite TV reception or because they violate feng shui rules. Individuals at the U.N. Gloval Warming meeting, held in Bali last weekend, even considered paying countries to not cut down trees. Morrison's feels that "trees saved us once when we had to live out of the reach of hungry creatures" and planting a million more trees could possibly "rescue our sorry buts again, on a planetary scale." Morrison believes that a million trees can get planted if "If we all convene our poker pals, our book groups, our golf foursomes, our carpool or string quartet and plant one tree, we'll have the million".

tone- comical/informative

DQ- Do you feel planting more trees is a first-rate solution for aiding the enviornment.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Worst President in History?

Sean Wilentz's April 21, 2006 Rolling Stone article expresses Wilentz's opinion of the current president of the United States, George W. Bush. Wilentz believes that "there seems to be little the administration can do to avoid being ranked on the lowest tier of U.S. presidents". A survey of 415 historians found that eighty-one percent considered the Bush administration a failure. A majority of voters in 43 states now disapprove of how Bush is handling his job. Only one other twice-elected president has seen his ratings go down in his second term. That president was Richard Nixon, two months prior to when he was forced to resign from office. Wilentz feels that the attacks on September 11, 2001 gave president Bush an opportunity to achieve greatness. But "Bush wasted his chance by quickly choosing partisanship over leadership". Basically Wilentz believes that everytime Bush is given an chance to improve the nation he blows it. Thus, making Bush one of the worst U.S. presidents in history.

tone- scholarly

DQ-how would the U.S. be today if president Bush was not elected?